New York City - Spring Break 2016 - Part 1

The four of us flew in to JFK for a fun filled 6 days.  Our driver took us to the Waldorf and as we were checking in (at 1130pm) some French dude was pissed that his key wasn't letting him above the 3rd floor in the elevator.  Ellie, you winked at him and he totally stepped off.  It was rather rad.  It was the Expedition Club's fancy ball that night and he was rather fancy - Captain Von Trappy.  

The Canadian Prime Minister was at the hotel while we were there and we were shuffled into a better room.  

We booked our room on Travelocity and it came with $250 room credit.  We ordered room service our first night.  This was rad.

The next morning we had reservations at Balthazars.  Good lord it was amazing.  

After brunch we set off shopping.  

After shopping we had lunch at Chelsea's Market.  Crepes.  Yes!

After lunch we walked across the street to the Highline Park.  This is my favorite spot in NYC. 


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