St Francis BIrthday Brunch

Look at those gorgeous faces.  Everyone was very excited to have St. Francis for breakfast.  Tis amazing.  

Carter, you were really focusing on making every picture I took a winner.  Mucho gracias for all of the emotion you brought to the table.  I really appreciated the intensity.

Who is this.  Why it is your birth parents looking oh - so - snappy.

Every time we go to St. Francis your dad says, 

Dad, "You're not going to eat that whole thing."

You -14 year old. "Yes, I will.  I do EVERY TIME DAD."

And what do we have here.  Oh por la Nathan.  That would be an empty plate.  I know dad's mind is a bit like etch a sketch or ground hogs day (The movie,  not the shadowy superstitious one.)  Regardless,  it brings much humor to our lives (and a wee bit oh patience).  Suck it Papa'


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