
So yesterday you came home, Ava, and had the following conversation with me.  Please keep in mind that you say EVERYTHING like it is unbelievable and also the most important information I may ever hear.

A: "Mom.  I had a writing assignment today at school and I had to write if Thing 1 and Thing 2 came to my house what I would do.  I wrote that if they came to my house I would train them to be dogs."

Mowesome."That is so cool.  I bet they would love being dogs."

A: "I told Zoe and she liked it and then I told Angelee and she didn't think it was funny.  AND SHÉ'S a WORD WIZZARD!!!!!"

Mowesome: "Huh?"

A: "and then I told my opposite Blake and he said it was funny.  He just needs three more words to be a word wizzard.  The rest of the word wizzards also thought it was funny."

Mowesome. "First of all why does it matter what a word wizzard thinks? Second, why do you say "your opposite"?"

A: "Well, he is a boy and I am a girl.  Remember how I am 6?  Well...........He is 5.  Also, even though he is 5 he is SOOOO MUCH BIGGER THAN ME."

Mowesome: "Would you like to study and become a word wizzard?"

A: "I'll give that some thought."

Please remember in kindergarten you are given 140 words to memorize.  I have made you flash cards and you refuse to study them.  On the one hand I enjoy that you aren't manipulated or guilted into wanting to be "part of the group" on the other hand you are being a bit lazy.  Just sayin.


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