Paheena (Espanola for Paige)

You turned the big One to the Two this week.  Your birthday party consisted of :

1.  Lunch at Spinatos
2.  Dolphin Tale at the Movie Theater
3.  Ice Cream at Cold Stone Yummy

Ali, Taya, and YOU. 

Melanie and Alyssa

Ali, Taya, You, Melanie, Alyssa, and Tatum.  You have such lovely friends.  It is nice that you surround yourself with kind ladies.  Tis good to be good to yourself.

Some improv dancen at the Co - Sto.  Look at you in all of your Mexican colors.  Dios Mio, you are fabulous.  Tis like you have it ingrained in your DN and A that you are a Mexican.  You are like a bowl of sunshine in a sea of gray. 

The following morning on your actual B-Day we found ourselves at St. Francis for breakfast to celebrate.  You ordered yourself an AMAZING pancake.  

Tu hermano likes to practice his BEST smile like EVER.  He actually did this face for his 8th grade pictures.  That boy has a great sense of self.  I enjoy meself some good Ol' fashioned bad pictures.  

This blurry picture is of you - E - and tu padre opening your present.  Twas a used i-pod touch.  Yes EVERTHING we own is used.  No, not your underwear;  we aren't barbarians for Pete's sake.  Just in case future Paige goes all Jetson and says,

"What was an ipod touch?  Mayhaps it a species of Encephalopod that i touched a lot!!  Oh wait, those were ficticious characters from a scary movie that I NEVER SAW because my mom was so mean."

Darling, an ipod was a device that you could hook a headset up to and listen to music.  It was about the size of a pack of gum.  Unless of course gum is outlawed during your space age future.  


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