Dear #3;

Today you went to the dentist.  I don't know if you can tell, but your mouth is a little droopy on the right side.   Laughing gas little one.  Turns out you take to it.  Dr.  Morris advised that us that you have a wee bit of an addictive personality.  When Nick asked you what you were thinking during the procedure your answer was,
"I was listening to the noise in my nose."

So, we came home, waited the appropriate duration to eat our turkey burgers, and got ready for bed.  When I asked everyone to get into bed and read the above picture demonstrates what you were doing.  I must say it is rather awesome.  Yes, that is underwear you have on your head.   You found a training bra I was saving for a later time.  Although I never advocate jumping on your beds; it was kind of perfect for the attire.  

Point being - I usually don't care for the dentist (no offense Morris - you are swell and all, but I don't care for my teeth being touched.)  you on the other hand made a day out of it.  I totally dig your positivity.  


The Mother


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