Bon Voyage

Tomorrow morning we leave on our cruise. We are taking you with us; that is number 1 - 3. Number 4 you get to stay with a couple of different people, mainly grandma and grandpa Wenzel. Tomorrow you get to spend the whole day with the Satos. I am sooo jealous. Ten bucks says you get spoiled.
So this is your first big trip to .......................Mexico. Hahahaha could we go anywhere else??? I have a feeling you don't get that the world consists of more than Arizona and Mexico. Although it is fun to have chickens running amoung us in the restaurants this doesn't happen on most vacations. I am super excited to see if any of you get some meat on your bones on this trip. What with all the eating availability you have a great chance to pack some cellulite on. I shall document the eating with several posts on the blog. Perhaps a video of some face stuffing. Although we will be away from thy home; there will be no sugar consumption. (I know I hear some booing. I am the enforcer so shut it - (when I say shut it - it needs to be done in an Austin Powers voice))
Well wee potlickers we are off.


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