Birthday Time #2

Dear #2,

This is the super cute sweater that Kimmy gave to you.  I bought "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" last month and we have experiencing the baracleness of it all ever since.  May I say here and now, that it may just be the BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME.  I can say I LOVE the following:

1.  Helen Hunts' outfits - in particular the hat with a LARGE cricket.  Also her Catholic school girl outfit that can switch into a pleather / plaid vision of  loveliness.
2.  Sarah Jessica Parkers leotards.  I don't think the sports bra had been invented as of yet, but everything else is uptown.
3.  The music.  I jump and dance around the house the entire time.  DANCE TV!
4.  The dance moves are, how do I say this?        They rock.  Not a little.  A Lot!
5.  Shannon Dorety (can't spell her name - too lazy to check)  as the little sister who ........just wants to be understood.
6.  The snotty rich girl, Natalie, had a closet way beyond 1983.  It was so visionary.  
7.  The final scenes.  Sarah Jess wins the contest and HelHunt gets to be the "new" Ricki.

(Honestly, #1 you are so cute.  The winking, the glasses, the whole getup you make me laugh.)  #2 you were trying out the new video option with your ipod.  

The whole outfit from Kimmy.


Unknown said…
I'm sorry - I HAD to comment on this post. This is my first time ever, ever, ever posting online on any site. BUT...that movie is AMAZING! I just re-watched it (for the 20th time) about two months ago and I share your thoughts. Especially with regards to the cricket hat. I mean, how awesome is that! Also, Sarah Jessica and her partner do the simultaneous flips off the platform at the end (in slo-mo of course)...does it get any better?? Miss you and luv U!

xoxo allie

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