Dearest Offspring,

To Celebrate our 16 years of Marriage I thought I would post a lovely assortment of pictures.  (Please play Positive K's "I've Got a Man" whilst you gaze at our love.)  Don't be burned young ones.  We are one white hot married couple.   I remember our first date.  He had on stone washed jeans.  They had gone out of style 7 years prior.  Poor thing.  I dated him anyways.  I know I am a GIVER.  

On our wedding day my lovely car started on fire.  Twas awesome.  We got ourselves married at that little chapel downtown and were off to Mexico for a sweet vacay.  Does it matter that I got the revenge?  No,  inhouse poop day was romantic.  

Two short years later we found out we were having you, #1.  What a beautiful treat.  After your glorious birth from my lady garden we had Paige 17 months later.  You heard me.  I know you guys are gifted and all but have you ever done the actual math?  Hot Damn.  White hot I tell ya.  "Gross mom.  Don't insinuate that you and dad had the intercourse."  Sorry little lovers but I am telling our story of amore right now, bear with me.  

(on a wee side note - check out tu padre.  He is all, Lady love - I dig your thigh.  Even though you have the red eyes of Satan right now, I dig you.  I really really dig you.) 

Three short years later was super Elle.  Thank you E.  You are so spunky and bring mucho excitement to our lives.  I could never say I have lived until I was mother to poocasso.  Your talent at the poo art was one for the ages.  I appreciate that you have moved on to bigger and cleaner things.  Thank you.

Four short years after E was A.  Ms.  Ava.  All four of your rock.  Everyone of you are different and unique.  As for your biological father and I we are having another baby.  

Just kidding.  My sacred birth canal is empty.  It was funny yesterday when I gathered all of you into my room for the sole purpose of calling our order into 5 guys ahead of time.  I sat everyone down on the rug and you all looked so pensive that I announced that we were having a baby.  Hahahahhahahahaha.  Sorry I wet myself.  Hahahahahahaha.  Hot Damn you guys are gullible.  No, we will not be having any more potlickers.  We is done ya'all.

Below are my 2 fav pictures from this past year.  I believe your dad won the vote of who looked best in the dress.  

Hot stuff.  Here is to 16 years.  Cheers.


Carrie said…
Thanks for commenting on my blog...because it brought me to your blog with is FAWESOME! Loved the lady garden visual. Happy anniversary!

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