Dear Diary,

So, you know how the Captain likes to do things that embarrass me?   Remember the time that he shaved 1/2 of his face before we went out one night.  When I say 1/2 I mean the left side of his face was smooth;  The right side had a full on beard.   (turns out I don't really look at his face until I am seated across from him at the dinner table.)  We were at a really nice place and I look up after briefly looking at the menu and stop and stare.  

" Honey.  Something is wrong.  You are missing hair on half of your face. "
"Jen, I did that a couple of hours ago.  I was waiting to see how long it would take you to notice.  I forgot about it until just now."


Alpha Monkey said…
Is that Kazoo from the later seasons of The Flintstones?
hahaha - i loved Kazoo. That hat is sooo not good on him. He just leaned over and told me that the hat "compliments" him. Whatever dude.

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