Girl Trip

The Ladies went out.  We went to St. Louis to see Kristen Chenoweth in concert.  What a lovely time we had!!  It was Sue Nelson, Marla Shumway, and Stephanie Nelson.  I didn't take many pics.  I am waiting for the photographers of the group to email some pictures.  


Alpha Monkey said…
Y'all look so cute in those hats and coats! I can't stop giggling at the novelty of it! Did she sing Taylor The Latte Boy? My very favorite song ever?
Alpha Monkey said…
I forgot to tell you to YouTube "Jim Gaffigan Hot Pocket". My kids do a skit based on it--very funny.
Hey Jen!!! Glad that we were able to go together on this trip. One to remember. However, I didn't get any pics??? I thought that you got them all.... Oh boy. I hope somebody has more pics :(

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