
I am at a loss for words this moment. The Captain just told me something about himself that I have NEVER heard before. I thought I knew everything. I sort of feel like I just found out I was adopted and nothing that I knew was true.
He just confessed that he and his friends (Jason Badgley, Brent Mason, Randy Lesueur) used to carry around Smurf figurines in lunch pails up until...............wait for it.........................................................7th GRADE.
What what. This is unbelievable and ridiculous. I am so perplexed and disturbed. Really, the 7th grade. You the Captain did this. When I ask the obvious question (the one I don't want the answer to)
"where did You get the smurfs?"
I knew what his answer was going to be.
"I would take them from places"
(Remember the Cap didn't even get money to eat lunch at school) Okay, as I am writing this he is opening up about more terrific things he and his friends did. I will be back.


Alpha Monkey said…
Like I said...I was more of a California Raisins Guy collector. All acquired honestly. But...ok...I can say it...high school. AND some of the guys collected with us. Maybe the Cap'n was doing it to get close to a nerdy click of girls? Perhaps as a co-mingling activity? Because we would walk or drive to the fast food place giving them away in a group as a uniformed Catholic School Posse. We were BAD! You'd have ducked down an ally to avoid us with our saddle shoes and button downs. Sometimes we even untucked our shirts, MF! Can you handle that?!

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