I am at a loss for words this moment. The Captain just told me something about himself that I have NEVER heard before. I thought I knew everything. I sort of feel like I just found out I was adopted and nothing that I knew was true.
He just confessed that he and his friends (Jason Badgley, Brent Mason, Randy Lesueur) used to carry around Smurf figurines in lunch pails up until...............wait for it.........................................................7th GRADE.
What what. This is unbelievable and ridiculous. I am so perplexed and disturbed. Really, the 7th grade. You the Captain did this. When I ask the obvious question (the one I don't want the answer to)
"where did You get the smurfs?"
I knew what his answer was going to be.
"I would take them from places"
(Remember the Cap didn't even get money to eat lunch at school) Okay, as I am writing this he is opening up about more terrific things he and his friends did. I will be back.