Mama's Ranch Labor Day 2012

There was quite a bit of shuffle boarding going on.  Look how intense you two are.  Damn amigos ease up.

Miss. Sue (as ya'all so affectionately call her) is one of my favorites ever.  She is such a great friend and we had a blast staying at her ranch.  

We went downtown one afternoon and you, Mr. Carter, fell in love with the Diablo burger joint.  It was all you could talk about the rest of the weekend.  "can we go again?"  "How about now?"  "Okay, how about now."  HOW ABOUT NEVER AGAIN?  How does that sound?  I think I'm going to switch tactics.  I'm going to bring up something annoying to you every 3 minutes.

"Hey Carter, breast or bottle feeding?  How do you feel about your future children and their nutrition?"

"Hey Carter, what if your future wife wants to have your babies at home in a kiddie pool?"

I can go on Fo Ev AR.

We took the Steeds with us and can I say, "Hell yeah." They are so kind and fun.  We went into Flagstaff and then sent the boys and Jessica's sister, Tacy, in the Steed's minivan.  In our car it was #2, #3, #4, Alyssa, Jessica and myself.  We had a driving dance-off.  Everyone sang "SOLID" and oldie that I can't get enough of it.  When we would shout "as a rock" everyone's arms would fist the air.  Such a memorable time.


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