Friends Birthday Party

We went out with your friends Mallory and Mallory tonight for your birthday.  ( Yes, out of your entire class you picked the 2 girls with the same name)  We went and saw Madagascar 2 and nibbled on a bit of Rubios.  Good times.  That is a monkey webkins you received from Mallory B.  (did I mention that they are Mallory B and Mallory C.  When you speak fast I have no clue which one you are talking about)
Notice Number 1 in the background.  I think he fancies himself somewhat of a celeb of sorts.  Also - not quite sure what hand gesture that is?  Maybe ----"my Weezer t-shirt is so dirty (because I don't take it off)  that the dirt has shaped it so that I can't put my arm down to my side anymore - please help.


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