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Cricket and Pip
DEAR CHILDREN, This is a small selection - from the intricate lives of...... us, The Babbitts.
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November 13, 2008
Some Fine Fort Construction
There is some building going on this week. Number 1 drew a picture and the Captain is "on it". The most important thing to 1, 2 , and 3 is that they want to be able to stand on the top.
Why is it that we all wanted playhouses with a second story when we were little. (or was that just me. You know this could be a little people thing. I may have to take a poll. Maybe a real poll this time; not just imaginary.)
Check out the
of it all. Recycled planks. You guys are so
with the orchard. hmmm I feel peace right now near the recycled fort. Even as Otto is licking my hair I feel inner - what ewe- stop putting dog nastiness in my mouth. I mean it Otto. Back to Foreace (Fort/Peace). That is what I am going to call this place where my children will disappear to. I could also call it Port. I don't think you get the essence of the peace with that name though.
Baby playing with rusty nails. How Green of you baby.
How cool is this. I am such a fort0razzi that I caught #1 jumping and The Cap dropping a piece of wood. It kind of looks like a magic trip. Maybe the Cap is performing some sort of pirate magic.
Jason and Tiffany
Nathan is real committed if he feels compelled to work with wood.
Allison LeBaron
Oh man.....again can't stop laughing. Love your writing Jen. Loving the fort idea.
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