Boar / Pig / Swine
Why swine flu - why not pig flu. Are we trying to sound fancy and educated? How about boar flu(because this isn't the feudal system. They are all the same - just some are wild. Did you ever see the discovery show about pigs / boars. When they released pigs into the "wild" they grew hair and teeth within a matter of weeks. It was Crazy.
"well, now that we are away from our cushy life our primitive selves will emerge and we will become.................dadada................BOARS."Honestly, they are fun to hang with ------not to eat! But the foreign pig flu needs to go. Auntie Kimmy and I feel like we are watching "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman and Renee what's her face Russo. I can't wait until they fly in a helicopter capture the pig (monkey) that flew illegally to the US on a plane and create a vaccine that will save all of humanity. GO DUSTIN GO!)