
Really?  I don't eat the swine, but really folks.   You know you have married into a different kind of family when they butcher their meat on old planks of wood - near the pigs previous residence.   (Let me clarify that this is not our pig and not our property.)  Let me go on to say that this was so disgusting that I had a small bit of oatmeal puke in my mouth when I went near.  Oh look, a family event.  Two of my sister-in-laws were there to take a peek.  Since they herd goats in their wee mountain range, I don't believe they were as affected by this ( what does one call this.  Oh, I know ............disgusting.)
I think this family has forgotten one really IMPORTANT thing. ........... That this is not a 3rd world country.  


Alpha Monkey said…
They look a little too happy to be doing that gross yucky thing!

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