The Captain and I just got home from spending the weekend at the Phoenician. This picture is us by the pool. (Yes, the Captain has his shirt on. He felt so improper eating without a shirt on. Funny, boy from Mexico grew up to become so cultured and proper. Too cute!!) The Haymores were there. Holy eating. (Did I mention the Phoenicians three cheese grilled cheese sandwich with avocado? I have a crush on it.) I love eating out. The whole time I was shoveling food in my face I was thinking of the morning before and the following conversation:
Paige, "mom, I was wondering what you would look like if you got professional help to loose weight from Jenny Craig."Me, "Honey, I weigh 113 lbs and am super healthy. Where is this coming from."Paige,"I was just wondering what you would LOOK like. I saw that Valerie lady and was wondering about you."Me, "I would probably look like a skeleton that would need professional help to eat."So I was shoving food in my mouth this whole weekend thinking (maybe Jenny Craig is storming the airways too much. Or maybe Jenny Craig commercials should only be played during Soap Operas or weight loss shows like "dance your a__ off) My new rule for TV----only DVR'd shows. We will be fast forwarding all of the commercials. We only watch the Today Show during the school week and yet the memory of Jenny Craig commercials and EVERY infomercial is uncanny coming out of 4 young mouths.
Uncle Danny is the master of remembering every infomercial. Whatever the latest one being run over and over again is what I hear about on a daily basis until the latest and greatest product comes out. (especially if it involves razors-or Def Leopard.) The only one I have actually purchased for him is some water globe thingy that waters house plants.
Auntie Kimmy called me the other day to tell me that they carry bump-its at Wallgreens.
Me, "Sorry, what are bump-its."
Kim, "WHAT??? You don't know what bump-its are?"Me, "Call me crazy, but you aren't answering my question. What the crap is a bump-it?"Kim, "It is the infomercial where you can buy an arch thing that bumps up your hair. This is great for when you wear a ponytail."Me, " I have seriously never heard of a bump-it."
Again, what is up with everyone knowing and quoting infomercials. This week I will be working on memorizing something useful. I'm not sure what that may be yet, but it is going to be something I can actually use on a daily basis. Or better yet something interesting that I can pull out of my hat when out with friends that can put a "what did she just say" look on their faces.