
I have to share a couple of funny therapy stories, Since I HEART therapy it is no surprise.

1. Daniella (your cousin) had some weird experience where some boys prank called her and said,
"This is the Sherrifs department and we are coming to get you."
She wigged out and Carter helped her in some respect, I am still unsure what exactly happened. Either way - here is what went down yesterday.

#1: "Danny what happened with the principal?"

Danny: "I don't want to talk about it."

#1: "Ok, don't stress out."

Me: "Hey guys whaz up (hand signs)"

#1: "Danny doesn't want to tell me what happened with the whole phone call thing."

Danny: "It is embarrassing."

Me: "What does it mean to be embarrassed?"

Danny - perplexed.

Me: "It means you care what other people think. What is your goal in life? Is it really to care what other people think? Seriously, you felt uncomfortable. You told an adult you trust. You did what was right."

#1: "My mom goes to........................................what's that again, (look at me -light clicks) oh yea therapy. SHE knows things."


We (your dad and I) are in therapy last night when Dr. Broadbent is talking about learning to enjoy things that you may have "thought" you were adverse to. He gave some story about how he used to enjoy Cream of Mushroom soup as a kid. That is, until he projectile puked said soup for an entire day. After 16 years he decided to get his "bad feelings" out and try to enjoy C of M soup once again. The conversation turned toward my hatred of onions. Yes children, we spoke of food and we did it with authority. (BTW I get his point. Don't just think you don't like something because you always have. You can try to enjoy anything.) This is where the story gets..................................hillllll ar ious.

Dr. B, "You know there is a restaurant that serves the best liver and onions. It is a buffet. I'm trying to remember it's name. It is a famous one."

Me, (Laughing in my head) "Since I am a great cook I don't tend to frequent buffets. I find that they don't really measure up to my standard of cooking. Perhaps it was Sizzler?"

Dr. B, "No, anyways they do such a great job with their liver and onions. ..........................................................OH, I remember what it is called.....Lubies" (or is it Lubys???)

No I am not kidding. Lubys. High end fo sure. Wee humans, Lubys is what can be equated to hmmmmm - - - - your elementary school cafe freaking teria.


Alpha Monkey said…
You peed. I'll bet anything you peed!

The universe agrees with me because my Word Verification just this moment is "mampi." WHich is what poor ol' Doc B had to clean off your chair.
AWWWWWEsome. Mampi - I will never forget this!

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