Evil Doll

The other day I kidnapped Randy and made him go with me to Vintage Melrose and Qucumbers. Both stores are vintageeee and the second one is thrifty. I love V.M. I find so much there that I am in Love with. The second spot - Qucumbers - reminds me of old people's homes I would visit as a young child. I purchased an old blue slide projector (that came in this awesome old case I now use for magazines) for only $12.99.

As we are trying out several slide projectors (I should say Randy is the one trying out all of the projectors. I didn't really think they would work, but Randy thought that we should see which one actually worked - NONE.) an old gentleman that must frequent the store a bit started talking to me.

Old Man, "Well young lady (to Ava) what is your name?"

Me, "She is #4."

Old Man, "Her name is 4?"

I told him her name was four because I got a feeling like he wasn't on the up and up. Turns out I have a great sense for detecting people with issues.

Old Man, "Hey little girl, I have a large doll in the car that was my wife's mothers. Do you want it?"

Oh yes he did. If "hey little girl" isn't the call sign for a molester I don't know what is.

Me, " I really don't have it in the budget to buy her a doll."

Old Man, "No, I will give it to you, wait here."

He came back with the following doll....................
This doll had a punched in face and had obviously been in a fire - and survived.
Ava clung to my leg and let out a little scream.

Old Man, "What are you going to name her? Suzzy Q or Peggy Sue?"

Me, "Thank you. Gotta run. Randy can you please grab this........doll."

Randy looked at me like I lost my marbles. He grabbed the doll and threw it into the back of the car. We pulled out and he let out a wee scream. He said,

Randy, "We need to find a dumpster immediately. What if we dump this and when we get home notice that it is sitting by your front door? What if this doll is so possessed that she crawls after the car. (In a desperate voice) What if we can't ditch her"

Me, "(I slapped Randy - lightly - at this point) Get a grip man. I think this is Satan's child. What if the creepy old man put a gps device in this to track my baby home? Let's dump her- NOW"

Randy, "It may be a tip off that he drives around with a doll in his car to offer to little girls."

Me, "Ahhhhh. Dump the doll."

I pulled into the first parking lot I found and it was a church. (of course took pictures first) We dumped the possessed doll into a church dumpster. I think that it was meant to be.


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