Have you ever been 39 and met siblings for the first time?

We had a few cocktails before meeting the newest sibling.  (We met a NEW SIBLING ladies and gent.  Yes, you consume a few cocktails when you are 39 and you have never met your father's first wife's children before.  Since this is probably uncharted territory for 99.9% of the population in the good 'ol USA we are going to start a set of rules.  1.  Drink a bit before 1st encounter.  That is it - just 1 rule is sufficient.)

Check out our smiles in the above pictures!!  We loved meeting Blanca and thoroughly enjoyed hanging with Irma and Mickie once again.  

How interesting it is to me to meet siblings for the 1st or 2nd time and realize HOW MUCH they look like the siblings I have known for 16 years.  I LOVE IT!  These women are so gorgeous and they are some of the kindest people I have ever met.   Don't you love it when people are super relaxed, open, and nice.  

Here is the funny part of the story.  I thought I booked them a stay at Gainey Ranch.  Nathan, Larry, Karie, and I are waiting at Gainey Ranch for them.  Mickie calls me and says they don't see us in the lobby.  I say, "We are by the pool/golf course."  To which she says, "There is no golf course at this hotel."  Guess What I booked them at Gainey Suites not Gainey Ranch.  Seriously.  Your mama es muy awesome!!  

Mickie and Karie are going to absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture!!


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